this gonna be a damn long blogpost
As promised, here is my post about my 70 days//10 weeks (7/12/2014 - 14/2/2015) in Kem PLKN Pelangi Hill Resort, Kuala Kubu Bharu. Dang, I've started to miss all the memories there.
The day I left my room, my home, my family, I didn't exactly knew what was the feeling. Happy-excited-nervous-scared. During the registration session, the first person I met was Fatin. Then Anna came and I was kinda relieved because I got a partner to sit with in the bus. Kiss&hug session with my family- and oh Ain was there too! Thanks for sending me off gurl, love ya. Surprisingly, I did not cry. I repeat, I did not cry.
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Looked happy huh? |
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This was before i got into the bus Before i left them for 10 weeks |
My index number; Delta Perempuan Mawar 11 |
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Me during the first day i reached |
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My crib for 70 days |
So basically each trainee got a different index number. There were four company; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta. Each company got two dorms and same goes to the boys.
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Some of my dormmates Location; the space in between dorm Mawar and dorm Kenanga |
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Nazatul Faquyah and I, in front of our dorm |
Ok so here's how our daily routine goes like;
0500-0615: wake up and prepare for subuh prayer
0630-0715: roll-call // physical training (PT)
0730-0830: breakfast // preparation for class
0830-1030: class
1030-1100: morning teatime
1100-1230: class
1230-1400: lunch // zohor prayer
1400-1630: physical activity
1630-1700: evening teatime // asar prayer
1700-1830: roll-call // recreation
1830-1930: dinner
1930-2100: maghrib & isyak prayer (usually there were hafazan classes/talks from ustaz in between)
2100-2230: roll-call
2230-2300: supper // went to kiosk
2300------ : light off! (but we usually didn't sleep at 11, just the lights were off tehee)
P/S; this schedule are not fixed, it depends on the trainer that duty on that particular day
We did nothing much for the first week. Ice-breaking session with the dormmates- and yes, each and everyone of them came from a different background. Since it was the first week, maybe the spirit was still high haha so I woke up to prepare myself for subuh prayer at 4.30am (plus the fact that I'm that type of person who take so long to get myself ready).
Despite the fact that we did nothing much, it was quite a tiring week because I'm still trying to adapt with the schedule. And yes, the first week was horrible! There was this one morning where I woke up for subuh and guess what? I couldn't open my locker. The padlock was stucked. Thank god for Ain (my left-bedside-neighbor) existence we could handle it. Even worse, I once went to the bathroom for shower without bringing my towel along! Hahahah first week was damn annoying I told ya.
I bawled my eyes out especially during the zikir time before and after we performed our prayer. That friday after we got our phone back, I called my mum. I cried. I wanna go back on that particular time! But then, my mum convinced me and she said that everything will take time so be patient. I cried even more and I hung up the phone and just continued to whatsapp my mum. First week was hard. Really.
My dorm was on duty on that sunday which is family-visit-day so we need to wear full-celoreng!- the most unwanted outfit to wear by everyone hahaha. Yeah, my family came on that day; first week man lol
We did nothing much for the first week. Ice-breaking session with the dormmates- and yes, each and everyone of them came from a different background. Since it was the first week, maybe the spirit was still high haha so I woke up to prepare myself for subuh prayer at 4.30am (plus the fact that I'm that type of person who take so long to get myself ready).
Despite the fact that we did nothing much, it was quite a tiring week because I'm still trying to adapt with the schedule. And yes, the first week was horrible! There was this one morning where I woke up for subuh and guess what? I couldn't open my locker. The padlock was stucked. Thank god for Ain (my left-bedside-neighbor) existence we could handle it. Even worse, I once went to the bathroom for shower without bringing my towel along! Hahahah first week was damn annoying I told ya.
I bawled my eyes out especially during the zikir time before and after we performed our prayer. That friday after we got our phone back, I called my mum. I cried. I wanna go back on that particular time! But then, my mum convinced me and she said that everything will take time so be patient. I cried even more and I hung up the phone and just continued to whatsapp my mum. First week was hard. Really.
My dorm was on duty on that sunday which is family-visit-day so we need to wear full-celoreng!- the most unwanted outfit to wear by everyone hahaha. Yeah, my family came on that day; first week man lol
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First week family visit (and i'm already tanned) |
Wasn't really stable emotionally yet, but- but life goes on. We were divided into classes. PK1-PK6 (PK stands for Pembinaan Karakter) So I was in PK6 for the Character Building class. In the class, we were divided into a smaller group consists of 12-13 members each. We called this as kumpulan kecil. In mine, there were Nadh, Atie, Anis, Chan, Jay, Azfar, Hakeem, Sugaan, Jun, Chun, Marul, Syafiq and I. Yup, we need to mix with the indians and chinese to make the bond stronger. I seriously love this kumpulan kecil so much.
These were books during CB classes |
Basically CB classes are to make out the best in yourself and others. To show the real you that hidden behind your shadow, to speak up in public, to show the best of the best in yourself and the people around you. Even though everybody were sleepy during classes, but the activities were somehow fun and everyone took part.
This week, teachers were so nice that they gave us our phone on friday night. The giving out of phones depends on the circumstances and teachers' mood. The early we can get- friday night. The latest- saturday evening. And not a good news was that my dorm was on duty again for this week!! The duty thingy was supposed to be done by every company and every dorm. But as for us (Delta Mawar), we did it twice! Where is the justice teachers?! Nah, jk we had fun tho despite that we were just too lazy to wear full-celoreng; that freakin boots.
On saturday, we did spring cleaning our dorm and the toilet and relaxed all day long.
On sunday, my family came as usual at lunch hour. Am a happy kid.
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Second week family visit (excuse my tak senonoh position and my hungry face) |
Started our physical activity with ribbon bocor and flying carpet on this week. Both activities were mainly about creating a cooperation in a group. To learn how to conduct and being a good leader, to unite together without any racism, to build self-esteem, and to learn how to make a good strategy in order to win the games!
Module 2 has ended and module 3 (MBK; Modul Budaya Kerja) started this week after the Christmas break; a day break which means sleeping day!! Hahah we usually took the opportunity to rest and sleep if there were a break even if it's only for one day, because you just can't imagine how tiring our days were!
Oh ya, not to forget that we had our photo shoot this week. It was fun. It was hard to choose either package A or B because it didn't have the same photo. If you bought package A, then you'll not have the photo of package B and vice versa. So, I decided to buy both package--memories last forever.
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the order form |
I've been trying to rotate this so many times but it doesnt work!! sorry :( Anyway, this is my dormmates. Mawarians. |
This is my company, Delta. |
This is the whole trainees in PHR camp. Wira & Wirawati (dont bother to spot me bcs i even take few mins to spot myself there hihi) |
What a lucky week that we got our phone on friday night again! So I asked my parents about the family visit thingy and alas, my dad said they might not coming this week. With a reason that highway must be jammed because of people going back for Christmas eve. Fine.
But then--- 0540, Saturday; was about to go for subuh prayer and received a long long whatsapp from my dad. I read and spontaneously tears streaming down my face. Dang, that messages from ayah hit me so well that I cry a river along my journey to surau. (during my prayer also, i cried.)
"Nanti kalau kakak dah masuk Uni nanti bukan every week ayah boleh datang tengok. So kakak kena biasa hidup sendiri sekarang. Belajar berdikari. Next week ayah datang ok! Ayah miss u a lot and I know you're strong! Love u."
- some lines from the message
Luckily, I have this one dormmate named Nayli Amirah and her mother-whom we called as Mummy that have such a generous heart. Nayli is the only child and lived with her mum. So her mother came every single week with a lot of foods to feed her only daughter & friends. So I and some of our dormmates joined Nayli with her mum for this week family visit.
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Third week family visit- with nayli and others |
The week started as usual with the same routine as the weeks before. On tuesday, it was quite fun in class because every group needed to do an exhibition by just using a bird origami. Like, you have to promote stuff to attract people to buy your stuff. (And I now know how to do a bird origami, thanks to Jun!) It was a competition in order to win the contract. Basically, MBK's main objective is to expose us to the real world of work. So my group, Falcon, did everything last minute! Everyone seemed to not take it seriously and just go with the flow. Surprisingly, we won the contract! How irony hahaha.
And I embarrassed myself this week when I cried in the class. Man, I just can't hold it that time. On the last day of MBK, we were asked to write a letter to anyone we wanted to and the teachers will post it via poslaju. So I wrote a letter to my family of course, mostly wrote to their family members because that's the only address you know. As I wrote it, I bawled my eyes out. Thank god it wasn't only me who's crying.
Oh and we started our Kembara Halangan session this week. It was fun yet tiring! I managed to finish it all, but-- didn't managed to pass it all. Get what I meant? Hahah, I managed to complete all the obstructions even though I fell in the freaking water during the tarzan swing and monkey-bar. This activity somehow teaches you to be strong to face anything come across. Many gratitude to those who supports me when I just felt like giving up. Especially to his circle of friends that shouted your name just to boost up my strength to complete the challenges. Thank you.
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This is where we did our Kembara Halangan activity.
Not to mention that I think I'm getting fatter this week. There were this one day where we almost slept and suddenly Sya (a friend from the Kenanga dorm) told us to not sleep yet because the food that we ordered has just arrived. And people, you guess what time was it? Freaking 2330++ like whuuuut. And since we were already paid RM7 for the fried rice & iced milo, with a sleepy eyes we woke up and ate. I got back to bed after an hour of resting my full tummy. (and smh i got a stomachache afterwards lol)
Everyone got really knackered this week. The activities and the punishment and the rushed-duh. Just so you know, we; everyone who didn't managed to recite (more like memorize) hafazan with Ustaz, needed to be in full-celoreng in just 5 freaking minutes! Like whaaaaaat everyone was swearing this and that since they all got hot under the collar-- count me in. But then, it was our fault tho cause we didn't memorize it.
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me;naylee;naz;teah;ayien;azie @ surau |
Well, basically this is what we do in between maghrib and isya.
Selfie! Hahahaha
Only on saturday and sunday tho.
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ais;fatin;teah;ayien;me @ surau |
1/1/2015, new year and can't go back home. Nah sokay because I got those bunch of laughing gas here. We did nothing much since its holiday and yeah, sleep-eat-gossip and repeat. The next day new module started- PEKERTI module. It was about social thingy. You know, girls boys those things lah.
This week family visit they came. My family came exclude my dad since he went to kelantan. And yup my nenek also came! With maklong & paklong. Thanks for the visit anyway!
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Fourth week family visit |
Did the kompas gila activity, PEKERTI module ended, modul kenegaraan started (from 7th-23rd) quite a long time actually. But before that, we were divided into groups for the Perisai Zaman activity. Kinda like explorace activity and the mission is to find the perisai zaman. So I was in PZ11-with a new group but still the same with *cough* him *cough*. It was really a tiring day but we finished it because of our strong teamwork.
So after that we were split into KN classes and mine was in KN2 (Kenegaraan 2). Hm not to mention that this module was damn bored! It was like studying history at your school. Daaaa suits with the module name, we learned about Malaysia, and revising all the history back then.
This is the boring workbook LOL |
Already started with TTS (Tempur Tanpa Senjata) thingy. Sometimes I find it was fun but sometimes it was just a damn bored day doing this TTS. Maybe because the tired factor. On saturday we have talks about APKK (well, pardon me cuz i cant remember what was this abt hihi) and we were also informed that we need to prepare for the SSP (Semarak Semangat Patriotisme) event.
My family didn't came for a visit this week. So I joined Nayli's again. Basically, every week we joined Nayli's family visit. Because her mother will bring a lot of food for us to share. So whos family didn't come then we can simply join.
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Back from left; Aziera, Nazatul, Nayli Front from left; Adilah, Teah, Me |
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Fifth week family visit (with Nayli and others) |
To be continued
P/s; I know it takes so long for me to post this hahahahaha I'm sorry but yeah, procrastination. So basically I post whatever things I wanted to simply because writing last. So somehow if I ever miss those moment I can read it all over again. But yea, I do skip some things.
PP/s; I type this based on my journal I wrote on a book when I was at the camp. (Thats why I can remember many things heheh)
PPP/s; The sixth week onwards will be up in part 4
PPP/s; The sixth week onwards will be up in part 4
*Cough* him *cough*