Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Sums up of Feb 2k17

1. After 9 months apart, I finally got to meet my KMS roommates! God knows how much I missed them being my roommates. We shared almost everything doh. The plan was to go to Berjaya Times Square Theme Park but then Farah couldn't make it that far. So we ended up meeting at NU Sentral since it was the central for all. Since Farah needed to go back home early, so we just had breakfast and lunch together and did a lil bit of window shopping. So happy that finally we got to talk and gossip about everything eyes to eyes.

L-R; Nurin, Suraya, Farah & I

2. While I was at the hospital watching after my brother who just had car-motor accident, Hajar and Hanim (jiran sebelah bilik in kms) came there just to see me. Awwwh so sweet of you guys. So we had lunch together at Boat Noodle PKNS since Hanim had been craving for it. It was a really quick and short but a nice catch up session with them.

Hanim on the left, Hajar on the right.

3. Plans after plans, we ended up stuck in our so called second home again, IOI. Hahahahah it's actually hard to have everyone free at the same time because you know......college life..............ngeh. But it's okay, we'll plan something fun again next time.

Fav gals since high school 

you know them, of course but wtv
Ain, Bobby, Sheda & seketul meh 

4. I witnessed something related to supernatural being with my two eyes for the very first time! It was quite scary especially this part; "kau ni jin islam ke kafir?" "kafiiiiiirrrr" oh my god. I swear I got a goosebumps immediately.

5. Urm so my sem 1 finals and college application for sem 2 results were out. My finals result was just ok. Not excellent nor good enough, just o. k. Hm. But alhamdulillah, my application to stay in college for the next sem was a succeed! I got to stay in Mawar college again for sem 2.

6. Last but not least, I don't know but I think I'm being so emotional throughout February. Heartbroken, perhaps?


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