Friday, 12 August 2016

Writing Challenge #12

Please click here to view the task

Day 12 : Write about five blessings in your life.

1. My family, friends and those people who stayed by my side.
Nothing can ever replace them. Thank you for being there whenever I need you guys. To deal with me during my ups and downs without any complaint is hard. Therefore, I am so thankful to have such understanding people around me. 

2. A good condition of health.
For the time being, I'm still doing good with my health. As far as I'm concerned, alhamdulillah I have no serious ill yet and I feel blessed for that otherwise there are many things I do now that I can't. Oh and, I rarely catch a cold it's like twice/thrice a year but when I do, it will definitely be the worse one. Still in the process of living a healthy lifestyle even though my mission to keep fit hasn't come to the target yet (read: terribly failed).

3. Good food.
There's nothing more to elaborate here. Good food is a bless. That's it. And I thank God that I have no allergies towards any kind of food at all. Probably the reason why keeping fit mission-failed.

4. Growing up educated.
To say that I'm a well educated person, nah I still got a lot of things to learn. Learning is continuous. But I'm blessed that I have the chance to go to school and gained knowledge. Education is really important as it develops in us as a perspective of looking at life. 

5. Technologies & inventions.
Things that made my life easier; thank you for your existence. 


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