Tomorrow is Thursday. Tomorrow is the day. What's up with tomorrow? Guess. Ahaaaaaa midterm gonna start tomorrow. What?! Seriously. Tomorrow. And me? Still typing here instead of do some revision. Great. I just don't know why I'm being such a lazy ass right now. Mid term gonna start tomorrow and I'm screwed. Demmit.
Pn. Norlina already warned us. She said 'Periksa pertengahan tahun ni sekurang-kurangnya saya nak semua orang dapat 6A. Sekurang-kurangnya. Kalau tak, saya denda. BM semua kena A.' Omai, how? I'm afraid if I can't score in this mid term. I don't want to disappoint my parents. My teachers. I want straight As. How to get straight As without studying? How to get straight As without doing exercises? How? Oh Allah, please give me a strong memory so that after I do my revision, I won't forget it. Please :'(
Success requires great efforts. We can't achieve that success by sitting here and goyang your kaki. No, we'll never achieve that. Ahhhhhhh. I need to study very hard lah! I can't even study smart. So lets study hard! See ya. Pray for me. Wish me luck! ;)
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