Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Re-read the past

Hi and Assalamualaikum dearest human. Pheww cakap macam ada 100 000 readers je. Ceh okay fine who cares. I just finished rewind my past. Maigod, I do really miss it. Seriously. Thousands of memories. Dulu I macam kanak-kanak, maybe. But now, I'm growing up as a teens. More mature actually. And I read those entries that I post last year and this year, it make me realized that I'm one of the Rempit. K what. Haha. K not funny. I mean, cuba you guys go and take a time to read my old post. Mesti you all gelak. Tapi bukanlah rempit yang tahap kritikal tu. Don't worry, I tak delete satu post pun. Betulkan ejaan and whatnot pun tak. So boleh je lagi baca benda yang sama.

Ada satu post ni, omg omg malunya. Time tu memang zaman kegemilangan aku lah tu. Haha seriously, aku tak percaya yang aku buat post pasal tu. Teruknya. Remember bout Mimi? Tamtam? Hahaha okay seriously, aku tak tahu kenapa aku rasa lawak sangat bila fikir pasal dia. Awwwh I just miss those memories. That moment when I've the stupid stalker and Bobby tak habis habis cakap tu Luqman. That moment when Moon tak habis habis cakap pasal mamat depan aku and jejaka pujaan dia tu. And ada satu time tu aku suka makan ayam till bagi gelaran Ayam Girl dekat diri sendiri. OMG malunya. Haha. That moment time pergi rumah Moon kononnya nak buat jadual waktu kelas. Tapi pergi buat waffle banyak banyak sampai tak terhabis hah. Then masuk sekolah lambat. 

Oh no, I just remembered something. Yes, dulu aku jahat gila. Aku dengan Najwa pergi kenakan Amirul Hakim. Buat surat bagai bagai. And kenakan Simran jugak. Letak tepung, telur and whatsoever. Then kena panggil dengan Cikgu Normah. Ya Allah, segan gila nak cerita balik. Tapi tu lah kenangan di zaman silam. Oh and hte moment yang Eyqa buat novel bout Alam Kami or Alam Kita something like that. And the characters semua anak Tan Sri anak Datuk. And dalam kelas main chit chat dalam one of Eyqa punya buku and merepek merabai kat dalam buku tu. That moment time last day sekolah form 1, and Nisak jadi pelik. Hahaha pastu pergi belakang sekolah then Teacher Normala kata jangan sebab kat situ agak keras.

I miss those memories with my friends :'( I miss being silly with my friends. If only time can be rewind. If only we can stop the time and enjoy the moment with our friends. If only.... okay enough. Stop. Ahhh I feel like crying right now. Too many memories to write.

Okay people, just remember that I'll always love you guys. Anyone yang pernah kawan dengan aku, and the memories we had, I'll always keep it in my heart. I love people that once made me smile and happy. Thank you guys :')

In memories :')

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