Wednesday, 7 September 2011

My '11 Raya

Selamat hari raya, aidilfitri mulia, ampun maaf dipinta, mensuci hening dosa nenene nanana lalala ~~ Hai and Assalamualaikum to all my followers and readers all over the world. Cehh macam ada readers je aku ni en. Heh sokay like I care. Okay yaw, how's your raya? Mine so far so good. Not bad lah this year. Yours? I think we're still in the raya month right? So selamat hari raya again from me. 

1st Syawal- 30/8/2011
As usual woke up early in the morning for subuh prayer and then mandi siap pakai baju kurung apa semua. So like this year turn raya belah ayah so yeah pergi jalan 6 rumah nenek and pergi solat raya dekat surau belakang rumah tu. Then balik tu makan apa semua lalalala and so on and so on and yeah it's the time, sesi bersalam salaman and dapat duit raya. Hehe then we all pergi ambil family picture dekat atas jalan raya depan rumah. Cool en? Well, I know right, lagipun time tu tkde kereta so boleh la. After that, pergi jalan rumah makcik makcik ayah start from rumah Atuk Kamal > Tok Andak > Wan Cik > Nek Long > Nek Anjang then balik rumah dah. Arrived home about 11+ pm I guess.

2nd Syawal- 31/8/2011
So yeah, it's 31st August. Tanggal tiga puluh satu, bulan lapan, lima puluh tujuh, merdeka merdeka~ Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-54. Kalau tak silap. Hehe. So on the day, we all included maklong, nenek, wanteh, and tok atan's family gathered up dekat rumah wancik and bertolak jalan pergi rumah saudara mara nenek which is I tak kenal langsung. Even my dad pun tak kenal so like ha kitorg ikut jelah kan. Then raya raya raya sampai rumah late night jugak lah.

3rd Syawal- 1/9/2011
Oh well hello september! Yes, it's the time raya with family belah ibu pulak. Woke up at 5.50am, ayah kejut suruh bangun mandi. Then after done subuh prayer, bertolak balik johor. My hometown. So sampai kampung about 10+am cause jalan tak banyak kereta, ayah pun bawak pergh laju jelah kan. So on that day, tak pergi mana just menggemukkan diri je.

4th Syawal- 2/9/2011
Okay, this day we all pergi raya rumah toktim, nekngah, atuk apa tah nama dia tu aku pun tktau. Then got home late night. Oh wait, almost forgot. Ni ada cerita pasal adik aku. On the 3rd Syawal, yknow my brother, Zaki with poksu naik motor. So jalan dekat satu lorong ni kecik tau mmg muat untuk 1 kereta lalu je. Then ada la kereta ni nak lalu, so like dorg pun stop dekat tepi tu nak bagi kereta tu lalu tapi dorg pergi stop then masuk tempat lecak. So press press tak boleh nak keluar, then dorg turun lah dari motor tu. Partu poksu press sekali ha kau vroooom terus motor tu berjalan sendiri masuk parit. Hahahaha but, the best part is motor je yang jatuh dalam parit tu, orang nya tak pulak. Haih what la habis motor atuk kena lecak lumpur lumut segala kotoran ha.

5th Syawal- 3/9/2011
So it's the day. Time flies. Went back to Bangi cause monday got school. Ahh I hate -.- duduk kampung lagi best okay. I really wanna extend the holiday. 1 week seems not enough for me. So left the village at 2pm and arrived home about 7pm.

Yeahh end of the story. So that's my raya for a week. Actually, I've save this dah lama but now baru ada masa nak publish so like ha tadaaaa this is. Heh busy with school -,-

Stay tuned! Toodles xx

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