Friday, 30 September 2011


I just don't know what's the motive they did this. So as usual pergi sekolah and got something like pencil box issuse dalam kelas tadi. After asar masuk kelas then Bobby was like 'Izzzzz moooon pencil box aku hilang, cermin pun' Then aku pun macam ha try la check lagi kan suddenly cikgu marah so like semua diam jelah tak berani nak buat apa. ...and my eyes suddenly get into the pencil box under Zuhairi's table. Yes tak salah tak silap  Anis punya. Then aku macam cakap la dekat dia blablabla. Rupanya ramai lagi yang hilang pencil box. Ada la about 4-5 girls. 

Then cari cari sana sini dekat meja boys dalam beg diorang apa semua and finally jumpa semua orang punya pencil box dekat tempat the boys. And I was like haaaaaa what lah this guys nak main macam budak budak ke apa sorok sorok kan barang orang. Yes we all didn't know siapa punya angkara ni tapi yang jelas lagi nyata the boys lah. 

The point here is, be mature please. I know it just a pencil box but please lah some people are very sensitive okay? You know like... alah I don't know how to explain but you get what I mean aite. Kalau aku yang kena kan, I think mesti aku dah menangis melalak dekat situ. Haha well aku ni hati lembut. Cehh poyo much. So yes this is it macam tah pape gila kaaaaaan. Haih kalau aku dah sumpah seranah dah orang yang buat macam ni. Luckily tak kena dekat aku kalau tak dapat dosa free je nanti. 

Friday, 23 September 2011


Hey peepos. Long time no see huh oh well I wonder who on the earth are going to read my blog aite? Haha like I care if I don't have the readers. Btw for the people keep waiting on for my post thanks but I don't think I got one. So yeah tomorrow must attend the school for jamuan raya thingy. Hoyeah but... ha I don't have the pink shawl to wear with my baju kurung lah you. So my mum said pakai jela shawl hitam tu and me haaa okay jela. I bet, esok mesti semua nak pakai lawo lawo letak bedak tebal tebal dekat muka tu ha pakai shawl style hantu haha okay sorry. While me... just wearing the baju kurung biasa with simple style shawl. Tak kuasa heh aku nak melawo bagai. Oh wait, ada hadiah untuk student yang dress up paling cantik sopan comel apa tah la. And I don't even want that award. Haha well pakai apa yang selesa jela tak payah nak malawo sangat. Okay actually I'm bored to death right now. Thats why I talk crap here. aaaaaaaaa don't know what to say. KBYE.


Hey peepos. Long time no see huh oh well I wonder who on the earth are going to read my blog aite? Haha like I care if I don't have the readers. Btw for the people keep waiting on for my post thanks but I don't think I got one. So yeah tomorrow must attend the school for jamuan raya thingy. Hoyeah but... ha I don't have the pink shawl to wear with my baju kurung lah you. So my mum said pakai jela shawl hitam tu and me haaa okay jela. I bet, esok mesti semua nak pakai lawo lawo letak bedak tebal tebal dekat muka tu ha pakai shawl style hantu haha okay sorry. While me... just wearing the baju kurung biasa with simple style shawl. Tak kuasa heh aku nak melawo bagai. Oh wait, ada hadiah untuk student yang dress up paling cantik sopan comel apa tah la. And I don't even want that award. Haha well pakai apa yang selesa jela tak payah nak malawo sangat. Okay actually I'm bored to death right now. Thats why I talk crap here. aaaaaaaaa don't know what to say. KBYE.

Friday, 16 September 2011


Hey guys, I'm sorry if you're the one that I've unfollowed. I just feel messy with the dashboard.Too much updated. Haha sorry plus yang I've stop following your blog ni pun orang yang aku tak kenal pun. So like k malas nak semakkan dashboard. I don't know why mata rimas ah pandang dengan ada yang tulisan macam ni macam tu corak sana sini eeeee rimas rimas. Okay sorry a lot. Not in the mood. Kbye night peeps!

Oh wait, I'll be away for 2 days cause I'll be at Bilut, Pahang. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Things end. But memories last forever.

Hai and Assalamualaikum bloggies. Well today I got a story, it's about haa you'll know it later. Okay first of all, this post is going to be a bit rude plus emo and whatsoever post because of my unstable mood today. I'm sorry if  its a bit bored but I wonder who going to read my blog aite? Nobody. So who cares bout what I'm gonna write about.

This is for you weh, you know who are you. Well I'm a bit sad with you, I don't know why kau mesti jadi macam ni? Why you being so ego? Can't we just being normal like usual like last year can't we? Please oh, at first yes memang aku macam agak ah sedih sebab kau buat aku macam ni but lately ni I realized that I'm just wasting my time to wait for your 'hai' maybe. Ye memang dulu aku tak heran sangat cause I think you'll change and everything gonna be okay but now it become worse and worse. Sometimes, aku sedih bila fikir pasal ni rasa nak nangis pun ada kau tau? Tapi aku rasa macam useless je air mata aku weh cause you'll never know. 

Okay wait, this is not about boyfriend kekasih couple or whatsoever. If you're good enough then you know. Guess it by yourself lah kan. K its been 2 months 11 days we're not talk to each other. Even saying a hello to each other. 2 months 11 days kita bermasam muka tak bertegur sapa weh 2 months. Dalam Islam pun ada kata berdosa kita bermasam muka tak bertegur sapa lebih 3 hari tapi kita? Fikir sendiri la weh. Just imagine dulu kita rapat always borak gossip share rahsia apa semua but now kita dah tak bertegur kita dah tak bercakap kita dah tak berjumpa even senyum weh, senyum pun kita tak pernah since 2nd July haritu. It's you yang putuskan hubungan silaturrahim kita weh it's you! 

The worst thing is tadi weh, kau sendiri dengar kau sendiri nampak, aku dah try nak cakap nak bermanis muka dengan kau. Tapi apa reaksi kau? Apa weh apa? Kau boleh buat bodoh macam aii aku tktau apa nak cakap lah weh. Time tu hati aku pergh panas sepanas panasnya weh. Terbakar hati aku weh, its not about aku malu sebab kau tak reply hai aku or what. It's about kau dah pandang, then aku hai then kau boleh buat bodoh cam babi kau tahu. Haa ni aku geram gila weh sangat geram. Lepastu je aku terus mencarut gila babi ah sampai kan moon tak habis habis suruh aku sabar. But the problem is, aku tak tahan weh aku tak boleh aku kalau aku dah marah kalau aku dah bengang ha memang kesian ah sape orang yang dah buat aku jadi marah cmtu. Cause aku memang susah nak marah orang ni weh except kalau dia memang dah buat darah aku naik menyirap ha tu memang ah. 

Sorry la sebab tadi aku memang terkutuk aku mencarut habis habisan tadi dekat sekolah weh. And kau nak tahu sebab apa tak? Yes, sebab kau lah. Oh give a big clap to you cause you're the reason why I'm really mad like a bitch. Tapi sorry to say ah, kau memang melampau doh gila fak doh fak. At least, aku dah tunaikan tanggungjawab aku. Aku dah try nak berbaik aku dah tegur tapi kau buat bodoh so its up to you. I don't care dah weh. Kau tanggung la dosa sendiri. I'm tired of this and kalau boleh please lah end this up. I'm tired dah nak lari lari daripada kau apa semua. Aku memang do tak boleh nak terserempak dengan kau, kalau tak haa memang ah mulut aku asyik nak mencarut je nanti. Thats why aku nak kita end this apa gaduh benda ni. Actually kita gaduh sebab apa pun aku tktau, takkan lah sebab kau tak suka kawan aku so kau tak suka aku jugak. Oh macam tu pulak heh kau ingat kalau kawan aku makan taik aku pun makan taik lah? ha macam tu? 

Please weh, be positive. Open minded please, jangan nak kolot sangat cara pemikiran kau tu. Now its up to you, aku dah lepas dah cause aku dah buat apa yang patut. So I don't care lah weh apa kau nak buat. I'm just tired of this shit. Small thing pun nak besar kan. Asal tak bawak masuk court je? Senang sikit nak settle. But its okay, we just wait and see apa akan jadi after this. Aku nak tengok sampai bila kau sanggup tak tegur aku sampai bila kau nak terus masam muka sampai bila kau nak jadi macam ni sampai bila? Aku akan tunggu aku akan kira weh berapa lama nak ambil masa untuk kita berbaik disebabkan perkara kecik je.

Please heh weh if you're reading this post, please change lah weh don't be too psycho like a moron. Sorry if this post got harsh words or maybe rude or what I'm sorry.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Well done for me bebeh!

Hello yellow mellow tellow Assalamualaikum peeps. Okay first, give a big clap for me people cause at last, I'm done with my folio geografi. Yuuuhuuuuuuuuuu me done it me done it. Yeah but boooo me cause I can't send it at the due date. Booooo :( heh but at least, I'm done. At least I've tried to finish it. Yes at least, I'm trying to not disappointed the teacher. I have effort on it okay. Lalalala still a big clap for me. Well bukan senang okay nak buat folio bagai ni. Ni la yang paling aku tak suka sekali okay buat folio la tu la ni la but aku buat and aku dapat siapkan daripada tak buat langsung. Even tak perfect mana aku punya folio tu, tapi tkpe aku still akan hantar dengan bangganya. Hahaha orang lain semua dah hantar before cuti raya tu lagi. Yang aku ni ha baru la harini nak siapkan, esok nak bind nak print apa lagi ha. Memang berani mati betul, dah la dengan cikgu ehemm tu lagi boleh pulak aku hantar kerja dia lambat lambat. Hee who cares, at least aku buat. Daripada kau?

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

My '11 Raya

Selamat hari raya, aidilfitri mulia, ampun maaf dipinta, mensuci hening dosa nenene nanana lalala ~~ Hai and Assalamualaikum to all my followers and readers all over the world. Cehh macam ada readers je aku ni en. Heh sokay like I care. Okay yaw, how's your raya? Mine so far so good. Not bad lah this year. Yours? I think we're still in the raya month right? So selamat hari raya again from me. 

1st Syawal- 30/8/2011
As usual woke up early in the morning for subuh prayer and then mandi siap pakai baju kurung apa semua. So like this year turn raya belah ayah so yeah pergi jalan 6 rumah nenek and pergi solat raya dekat surau belakang rumah tu. Then balik tu makan apa semua lalalala and so on and so on and yeah it's the time, sesi bersalam salaman and dapat duit raya. Hehe then we all pergi ambil family picture dekat atas jalan raya depan rumah. Cool en? Well, I know right, lagipun time tu tkde kereta so boleh la. After that, pergi jalan rumah makcik makcik ayah start from rumah Atuk Kamal > Tok Andak > Wan Cik > Nek Long > Nek Anjang then balik rumah dah. Arrived home about 11+ pm I guess.

2nd Syawal- 31/8/2011
So yeah, it's 31st August. Tanggal tiga puluh satu, bulan lapan, lima puluh tujuh, merdeka merdeka~ Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-54. Kalau tak silap. Hehe. So on the day, we all included maklong, nenek, wanteh, and tok atan's family gathered up dekat rumah wancik and bertolak jalan pergi rumah saudara mara nenek which is I tak kenal langsung. Even my dad pun tak kenal so like ha kitorg ikut jelah kan. Then raya raya raya sampai rumah late night jugak lah.

3rd Syawal- 1/9/2011
Oh well hello september! Yes, it's the time raya with family belah ibu pulak. Woke up at 5.50am, ayah kejut suruh bangun mandi. Then after done subuh prayer, bertolak balik johor. My hometown. So sampai kampung about 10+am cause jalan tak banyak kereta, ayah pun bawak pergh laju jelah kan. So on that day, tak pergi mana just menggemukkan diri je.

4th Syawal- 2/9/2011
Okay, this day we all pergi raya rumah toktim, nekngah, atuk apa tah nama dia tu aku pun tktau. Then got home late night. Oh wait, almost forgot. Ni ada cerita pasal adik aku. On the 3rd Syawal, yknow my brother, Zaki with poksu naik motor. So jalan dekat satu lorong ni kecik tau mmg muat untuk 1 kereta lalu je. Then ada la kereta ni nak lalu, so like dorg pun stop dekat tepi tu nak bagi kereta tu lalu tapi dorg pergi stop then masuk tempat lecak. So press press tak boleh nak keluar, then dorg turun lah dari motor tu. Partu poksu press sekali ha kau vroooom terus motor tu berjalan sendiri masuk parit. Hahahaha but, the best part is motor je yang jatuh dalam parit tu, orang nya tak pulak. Haih what la habis motor atuk kena lecak lumpur lumut segala kotoran ha.

5th Syawal- 3/9/2011
So it's the day. Time flies. Went back to Bangi cause monday got school. Ahh I hate -.- duduk kampung lagi best okay. I really wanna extend the holiday. 1 week seems not enough for me. So left the village at 2pm and arrived home about 7pm.

Yeahh end of the story. So that's my raya for a week. Actually, I've save this dah lama but now baru ada masa nak publish so like ha tadaaaa this is. Heh busy with school -,-

Stay tuned! Toodles xx

Monday, 5 September 2011

It's Monday!!!!!

Okay people today is monday and I hate monday cause monday got school and homeworks and annoying psychotic people around the school! -..-

Thats all bye people. Catch up with my raya week on the next post. Toodles!