Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Midterm, please be nice ;)

Hey, wow time flies so fast man. Yeah believe it or not, tomorrow is the day. Midterm gonna start tomorrow and I'm really ahhhhh why exam must exist? why people why? haiyaa, I'm not ready yet, seriously. Cuak gila do nak exam ni. Seriously macam tak prepare pun. Watlek tgk tv main internet. Ha, sumpah cuak dohh. Anyway, want or not, I must take the exam aite? ha so, pray for me okay? To all students, wish you all the best for this midterm. Good luck guys, do your best and I'll try my best for this midterm to make my parents proud of me. InsyaAllah straight A's. Kpeople, go and study lah. kbye :D