Thursday, 17 March 2011

You never try to understand it

Dear you, yes it's you and you and you again. 

     Please, try to understand me. You never know what I feel right? Yeah, it's hurt yknow. You blame me for every single thing yknow. You said it's my fault. But why I'm the one who always wrong? Why? Pleaselahh, I'm tired of it okay.

Kau semua benda nak salahkan aku, aku reply text lambat kau marah. Aku tak reply, lagi la kau marah. Tapi bila kau? bila kau reply lambat? Ada aku marah? Kadang-kadang tuu, kau tak reply pun. And I'm still cool with it. Takda nak kecoh sana sini. Unlike you, I reply with a minute late, then you start dah nak perliperli I ape bagai. Hey, at least, I'm replying your text okay. 

You said that I'm the one who's hurting you. And I'm the one who's doesn't care 'bout your feeling. Hey, come on, bukan you ke yang doesn't care 'bout my feeling and who's the one yang sakitkan hati siapa sekarang ni? hah .--. Kau kerja nak cari salah aku jeee. EEii, tak suka lahh. Lepastu, kau boleh pulak text aku balik kononnye macam tkde apaapa yg berlaku sebelumnya. Haih tak faham betul aku dengan kau lahh.

Please, jangan asyik nak cari salah aku, marah aku ape sume. I'm sick of that thingy k.

Sorry kalau betul aku yg salah
walaupun aku tau aku tak salah,
- izz :'(

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