Friday, 4 February 2011

It's Disgusting !

Okay, after watched this video, I think it's really AWESOME yknow. Good job Anwar Hadi. All his video was so amazing. I love it. Okaay, about this video yeah I really really support it. Many people nowadays using that's 'Bahasa Rempit' a.k.a 'Bahasa Wempitzz'. It's just the same actually.The spelling only make it different. Hahah :D 

I totally agree with him when he said 'lu malukan bahasa wa' Oh yahh totally agree. Why don't you type properly? Its sucks yknow when there's a people type like that. You make me feel difficulty to understand what actually you wanna to tell me. And plus with the mixed small letter with the big one. Uhh shit. O, like what Anwar Hadi said, maybe there's a letter that missing on your keyboard hah. So that you can't type it properly. MAYBE. But please, kita orang melayu guna bahasa malaysia taip tu biar elok sikit derr. Ni tak, nak taip macam ni ha, 'eYp, mEteTzZ nUck???....' Oh demmit. What is that ? Can't you just type, 'Hye, msg nak?' Kan senang nak fhm tuu. Kalau nak guna shortform tu, gunalah yg biasa biasa sahaja. Yang mudah difahami oleh semua orang. haihh -,- and one more, why must you add 'W' at the end of the words. 'titEw adew satUw jEw leW...' No need to add the W lah peeps. 

I'm okay if people wanna use this wEmPitzZ languages. But don't be so OVER lahh. It's hard to figure out what actually the meaning. And it's sucks to look. Ni tak sometimes tiba tiba ade orang text or IM me cakap 'aiip awaksz na kenalan bulew? namew awkz apeww?? umow? tggl kat manew?'. In my mind, 'what's wrong with this guy?' So please people out there, write properly. Don't ruin up our language.

P/S : You should watch Anwar Hadi's video on youtube. Its awesome. Just search IniAnwarHadi.
toodles stay tuned! 
- izz