Hoy hoy there :)
K firstly, my leg ohmaigodd. Sakit gila siottt. Cehh padahal bukannye lari sangat pun, sakit je lebih. Haha :D Seriously, it's effing tire out yknow. Damnit. We ran about 6km something lah and I'm really exhausted k. As usual, I'm with my friends not really ran actually. We just jog a bit and the rest was walking all the way. And here some pictures we took.
This is before we start running ;
Time dengar taklimat . |
yeah we're ready :D |
And this while we were running ;
run baby run |
whattaa -,- muka cacat habis . |
Oh and yeah finally we reached at school ;
muka baru habis lari :) |
Look up there, makan macam apa haaa. Nampak sangat macam tak makan setahun doo. Yelah, penat gila kott lari. Air 1 kotak, 1 tin, 2 botol habis tauu. *kecoh haha :P
Then while we waiting for the teacher called up, we lepak lepak dekat kantin dulu. Then ada pulak lah orang gila mental cacat ape bagai ejek ejek aku. It was Amir and his friends.
'ape? biak?'
'weh biak tak datang la weh'
'ha nak kirim salam dkt biak?'
'kalau biak datang, confirm dia menang first doh'
Shit asdfghjkl huh. CRAZY. I just don't know what they wanted from me. Masing-masing otak dah terbalik kott. Suka sangat nak kacau orang, tkde kerja lain ke wehh?
And I just being cool and relax and calm down with those teasing. But in my heart like asdfghjklxcvb. Tapi takpe, watlek sudah enn. Plus malas nak cari pasal dengan diorang.
Till here, I'm very sleepy right now. Goodnight and take care.
- izz