Alright, it's about time to make a decision. To choose. To decide.
I'm eighteen and I have to learn to make a decision- for the sake of my own life & others. Truth be told, I don't like deciding. Even if you hand me a bar of chocolate and an ice-cream, I still can't decide which one to take. It's either I take both or none of it. (but ofc, in this case I'll take both hehe)
The problem is that I don't know how to make a choice wisely. I need someone to always pick it up for me; mom & dad for sure. Things went upside down when they asked me to decide by myself. You know what's best for you, they said. O Allah, grant them health and happiness and keep them away from harm because I need them till the very last of my breath.
At times, I wanted to decide everything on my own.
At times, I wanted people to decide it for me.
When I choose to decide, just don't go this and that and this about my decision. People need to learn to respect one's decision whether you're agree or disagree with it. Get that? Great.
As for now, I just made a decision on where to pursue my study. I'll be going to Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor this 25th. I'm hoping that it will be one of the right choices I ever made in my life. Ease my way, give me strength and shower me with your blessing in whatever I do, oh Allah.