July. Believe it or not, today is 8th of July. Time flies. Really fast. Still can't believe that I am now one of the PMR candidates. I thought that I was still in form one. I remembered the very first day of being a secondary school student. Wearing the light blue skirt. Sitting alone in the class named 1 Inovatif. Seeing new faces of humans. Wondering how my life would be in this school. And..... Nahhh *slap my face* I'm already in form three. Stop dreaming, dear self.
So laik mi. |
Believe it or not, in less than a month, I got my PMR Trial exam. Am I ready enough? Well, don't ask. Cause I don't even know the answer. I am scared. Afraid that I can't do well in my exam. Afraid that I'm gonna disappoint my parents. Afraid that I'm the only one who don't score among my friends. I am afraid of, to be exact, Penilaian Menengah Rendah.
"PMR is easy la weh"
"Alahai, kacang goreng je PMR tu"
"PMR is not everything, so watlek"
"PMR is nothing lah, don't worry I'm sure that you'll get straight As"
"Relax lah babe, PMR je pun"
I already heard those statements from my friends, families, cousins and even the teachers. Everyone said that PMR is easy. Sometimes, I just feel like crying. I hate myself for not be able to memorize all the things that teachers teach in the class. Even the simple easy measy one. I need to accept the fact that I can't get that straight As without studying. I know I can't but still, I am too lazy to grab my book and start doing exercises/revision.
As the PMR getting nearer, I am getting lazier each day.
Hypothesis accepted.