Monday, 29 August 2011

Selamat Hari Raya :)

Berlalu lah sudah ramadhan, sebulan berpuasa. Tiba syawal kita rayakan dengan rasa gembira, anak muda... Okay hi peeps! Dengan ini diisytiharkan hari raya aidilfitri jatuh pada......... hari selasa iaitu esok. Wooo esok raya babe esok raya tau eja tak R A Y A raya. Hahaha well I just can't believe it esok raya. Rasa macam baru je seminggu puasa tup tap tup tap dah rayaaaaaa! Wow, time flies yknow.

To all my webbie friends either in Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger and so on, I would like to wish each one of you a Selamat Hari Raya! I'm sorry for every single things I did that hurt you guys. Maaf zahir dan batin. Maybe y'alls annoyed or maybe pissed off with my attitude my words. So yeah I do apologize. Raya raya ni jomlah kita saling maaf bermaafan okay. Buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih. Now kita kira 0-0 lah kan. Hee ampun maaf dipinta andai diri ini tersakiti hati anda semua.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Dengan tulus ikhlas,
Nur Izz Hanani bt. Zarim Hazmalee 

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Being left..

Oh hello readers. Heh I don't think so I've a readers. Huh like I care. Just me here wanna babbling nonsense. Well its been 4 days includes today he's not contact me. Not even a text saying hi. Let it be, eh know what? My results for this August Test was seriously sucks man. I don't know why :( Mesti nanti ayah dengan ibu marah gila babeng ah. Dah la like everyday mengadap pc ni. Kalau dapat result elok, then lantak ah kan who cares. But ni result cam haram je. Ahhhhhh heh kbye lots of story but I don't have a time. I need to take my shower right now. It's 11.48 and I didn't take my bath yet. Then off to school. School? oh god soooooo lazy. Kbye stay tuned!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

A day with sistahh ♥

We laugh, we cry, we make time fly, we're bestfriends, we're sibling. It's you and me, sister. Hello everyone. Hehe know what today woke up late so like stay in the room till evening and doing crazy stuff with my sister. Even she's just 7 but she do understand me a bit. Sometimes. And know the biggest thing we've did together, yes we're colouring the batik corak apa tah that she bought at her school yesterday. So here is it. 

Cool isn't it? Yeah I know. Haha maybe you guys would say alah mende je setakat benda alah ikan ni aku buat lg cantik lah or maybe hek elehh ni je yg mampu kau buat or whatsoever. But to me, it's really great yknow cause I'm the type yang jenis tak berseni and tak suka seni and nahh easy to say, I hate something yg ada kaitan dengan seni lah. Especially lukis lukis ni. Ugh not in it lah. But then I colour it up and at the end, I looked and I was like woah boleh tahan jugak aku colour cantik ah ni bagi orang yg tak berseni macam aku. Cey I'm proud to be me. Haha :p

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Story of the day

Hi there people! Eh know what I've got my exam papers which is Agama, Kemahiran Hidup and Mathematics. The result, agama Alhamdulillah I got A KH not really good and maths ohmygod so sucks. I just don't know why, I never thought that I will get this mark like seriously, so bad yknow. But, ahh sokay lah nak buat macam mana. Let the past be the past. Actually paper BI dah dapat tapi teacher gave us paper 1 only cause tak sempat nak tanda. Hopefully the rest paper I can score at least 80% and above or the minimum 70% and above. Please. I'm desperately need an A lah. But I don't think I could earn it cause I didn't perform well in my test. 

Nahh I just know this one kind guy. Ehe he's so kind and sweet. Haha seriously it's fun lah being friend with him cause he just love to make a joke you know. I'm talking like very the very serious and he can make a joke with me. Haih especially on the phone. Ohgod dia ni cakap dah la banyak and suka sangat sangat talking crap. Then dia akan marah cause I make he felt like he's talking to the wall. Haha I'm so bad lah. But yeah, I don't know what to talk about so I let he talking crap then when I didn't say anything he was like 'eh i cakap dengan dinding kan' or maybe 'kfine bye ah penat cakap dengan you ni kbye' and he'll end the call. So aku la yg kena send text cakap sorry cause kalau tak kang dia marah. But bila tanya marah ke tak, he'll answer 'manada marah i kan baik' and the answer makes me feel macam bersalah tau tak. Haha nevermind. Dah selalu kena macam ni so like tak kisah dah. 

School. Talking about school, ha the teachers being so psychotic like seriously. I don't know what to say lah about school. Eh wait harini dah hari ke-19 berpuasa. Oh man time flies. 10 more days then rayaaaaaa! yeay but macam tak best cause dah besar ni macam tak dapat banyak duit raya. Hahaha teruk gila, raya sebab nak duit je. Eh no lah it's not like what you're thinking. It just ha I don't know how to express the feelings. So this 10 days left buat lah ibadat banyak banyak. Solat sunat. And my dad kata tomorrow 8.25 bulan keliling ka'abah and it's the best time for you to pray and ask anything from Him. Yes, so banyak banyaklah berdoa agar kita dapat malam Lailatulqadar. InsyaAllah. 

Thats all peeps goodnight! Toodles xx

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Sleeping beauty. LOL

Hello yellow mellow. Menda tah aku ni gila merepek. K nak tahu tadi kan kononnya lepas sahur tak nak tidur tau. Then okay la, lepas solat subuh tu terus pergi mandi biar segar sikit so takdelah ngantuk sangat. Lepastu dah tak tahu nak buat apa, turun bawah tengok tv. Cerita semua yg dah tengok je ada so macam aaaa apa la nak buat ni. Then dalam pukul 8+ kot terus tertidur sampai la Moon mengganggu ketenteraman. Hahaha tetiba je phone bunyi then macam ah bising ah nak tidur kan so angkat jelah. Rupanya dia pun baru bangun then cakap pasal seni mende tah.

Cakap pasal seni, ya saya tak tahu nak buat apa. Well, aku bukan jenis orang yang berseni okay. Nak lukis lukis ni, puhh-leaseee im so lazy ya. Kalau setakat lukis orang lidi boleh ah, tu pun bukan jadi sangat. Okay sangat memalukan. Haha so petang ni exam seni saya tktau apa mau buat, maybe penanda buku cause tu macam senang kan. Ha so just wait and se jelah. 

Oh and wait, today trial PMR ke weh? Hahaha gila cepat. Btw, goodluck to all form 3 student. Yeah especially ehemmdiadandiadandia haha siapa siapa jelah. Goodluck okay! Do your best jessians.  

Monday, 15 August 2011

Turnnnn on~

Hai eberibodi. Yay bebeh yayy exam dah habis. But actually esok dengan khamis ada lagi tapi macam aaaa mende je. Esok seni, khamis pj and sivik. So like aaaaa apadahal tembak sana sini done hantar paper! Cehh cakap macam apa je kan aku ni. Who cares. So esok seni tktau nak buat apa but maybe penanda buku je kot cause I tak reti bab bab seni ni youu. Ha esok lah testing bagai bagai tu. 

Oh wait, today ada birthday girl lah! Nama dia, Sharifah Nuraina bt Syed Nahar. Dia pakai sepekmata, sepek dia cantik saya suka. Muka kaki tangan dia putih melepak. Bibir dia hot sexyy gituu. Dia dia dia kawan saya, girlpreng saya, boypreng saya, husband saya, wife saya, and she is another part of me. I love her very the very much. Hee happy 14th birthday darling. Tak sempat nak bagi hadiah pun cause tkde masa nak keluar la. Jadi dekat sekolah tadi saya bagi big hug je dekat dia. Hihihi nanti I bagi hadiah okay you? <3 

And and nak tahu, tadi kita kan buat folio geografi, tapi kan daripada tadi dekat penghargaan je. Tak gerak gerak. Nak tahu sebab apa? Sebab saya buka twitter and facebook and itu and ini. Jadi semua kerja terbantut. Hahaha okay *inhale* *exhale* penat type. Eh tadi science boleh la cuma ada sikit hentam. Geografi pulak okay jela. BM,objektif gentle susahhhh! 

Okay ni je saya mahu cerita, esok esok kita jumpa lagi okay? Babai bloggooo! xoxo

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Left the small town and never looked back

Hello hello again haaaai. Ehem I don't know what to write about. Heh k nevermind. Lets talk about my test last week. So overall, so far not so good. Hahaha orang semua so far so good, aku je so far not so good. Well, I'm not really study for this test so no wonder la if my result was like asdfghjkl. Hmm life still going on like ordinary. Still the same. Maybe. The whole last week, we were wondering bout something like, ha ada this one girl, tkde la cantik mana pun but ada couple. I know everybody's beautiful but nahh I don't know how to explain it. Then blablabla hah idk idk idk. k stop.

Oh wait, 
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to Atuk and Haqeem :D
happy birthday to youuuuu!

So, today's their birthday. Atuk, may Allah bless you always. Haqeem, goodluck for this coming upsr. I love you guys <3 and today buka puasa dekat rumah baru maklong dekat bukit mahkota sekali celebrate birthday Haqeem there. Atuk's not here so tak boleh nak celebrate sekali kan :( atuk dekat kampung right now. Tapi tkpe, I dah wish atuk early. 

Okay boiii people, nak bukak youtube. Tapiii youtube lembab and selalu stuck. I hate it. ugh. kbai

Get into my dream~

Hey people, just a short post wanna wish you guys goodnight. Haha okay ni sumpah dah tkda keje doh aku ni. Actually banyak cerita mau story tapi tah tkde idea apa nak type, so next time maybe. Kbaii cheers! Eh goodnight people sleep tights okay? Toodles xx

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

August Test :D

Hey people. Tomorrow I've test and I don't even study really hard. Aaaaa malasnya. Don't know why lah. So pretty please, be nice august test. And you guys please, pray for my success! Wish me luck okay. Need to study right now. kbaiiii hopefully I can answer all the questions kay. Toodles! xx

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Muehehehe ;D

Hai. Adik saya baru ajar ni, hehe thankyou lah lapyou. Oh nak tahu, harini dah puasa tau and you know 6.30 tiba tiba saya peot. Hehe ops sorry. Alahai rugi je kan cause dah nak buka dah tu. Heh tkpe lah. Eh tak percaya lusa dah exam, okay bye nak study :3

Thursday, 4 August 2011

I'm lost in your eyes

Hai dude. Aaaa know what? Just now, before the breaking fast time I was quarreling a bit with my brother. Just because of tv. I said that 6.30pm is my time and he's not listening. I've told him that I wanted the remote but he's not giving and hah gaduh ah apa lagi. Last last aku pergi tutup suis tv tu ha. So that fair and square lah aku tak dapat tengok and dia pun tak dapat tengok. Orang suruh naik tengok dekat atas tak nak, ha padan muka!

Hm today dekat sekolah ha just like ordinary day. Belajar tu ni ha then dapat homework macam biasalah kan. Em time agama ha syahmi jahat gila do. Hahaha lawak gila. K next week August test and I'm not doing any preparation yet. Cooooooooool. Then result cam hape tah .-.

Heh k baibai dah taktahu nak tulis apa. Baca buku kejap lah. Takecare guys ;D

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ;)

Okay hello people :) It's been so long since I post the last entry. Well, I've no time to online-ing. Busy, like seriously busy last month. Cehh macam dah besar sangat nak busy busy ni. Ah nevermind.

I hope it's not too late for me to wish you guys happy fasting. To all Muslims all over the world, do a lot good deeds in this blessed holy month okay? Jangan asyik nak kutuk mengumpat orang je. Yeah, I'm also the one who need to stop kutuk orang. But kalau dahterlepas tu nak buat macam mana kan? Lain kali jangan buat benda yg aku menyampah depan aku, kang tak pasal pasal je dapat dosa. So sama sama lah kita melakukan amal ibadat kay?

Oh and yes, August. Ahhh next week I'll have August Test, and please please I'm begging please be soooo nice august test. It's next week and I didn't do any preparation :( I'm scared. I don't want to get C C C anymore. But ahh it's hard lah without studying. So I need to study so hard and smart this week. And yes, less online-ing please. Well, hope so. Pray for me. :]